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The Meta Tournament
The Meta Tournament
==Bytes 2.0==
==Founder's Join==


Latest revision as of 10:11, 10 March 2024

Before Neo Tokyo

Prior to the launch of Neo Tokyo, Alex Becker was teaching himself to develop video games and hinting at his upcoming NFT project. This is the timeline of posts leading up to the launch of Neo Tokyo.




  • August 28:
    • There’s an nft drop coming from me. I will share the url in the next 60 days in the most where’s waldo hard to find way in a twitter comment. It will literally be davinci code shit. There will be 101. It’s extremely unique and fucking provocatively sexy. Keep an eye out.

    • It will be pornographic but classy but also degen but also fine art and a cultural moment. Your seriously not prepared.


  • September 5
    • Your also probably going to want to watch my twitter EXTRA close this week. It will probably make you a substantial amount if you catch what's coming. Youve been warned anon.

  • September 6
    • I don’t think people quite grasp how big Altura can get. Haven’t you ever thought about how limited Nfts are because they can’t “change”. Think about it like this
      You level up a weapon nft in a game. Your going to want the image/stats to change. Altura fixes this.

      Better yet you can even program the smart nft to update/change itself. The reason this is big is because games (already big ones coming up) can use this tech, aka altura already has customers lined up. My nft coming up is probably gonna use this tech.

    • NeoTokyo.codes domain is registered.[6]

The Riddles Begin

2021 (Cont.)

September (Cont.)

  • September 9
    • n[7]

    • And in a reply tweet,

      you will make a fine citizen

    • ETA is between 2 and 30 days. Hopefully your on Twitter the day and moment when it happens.
      We arnt going to announce SHIT. We are not going to pre-promo SHIT...It's just gonna happen...all at once and the clever will be able to become citizens.

      There will likely be hints and riddles.
      Those that solve these will be kings among humans.

  • September 10
    • Comment your ETH address and watch the new video or you will never be welcome in the citadel...

    • In response to elliotrades's tweet, zssbecker comments,

      The citadel has what a citizen needs[12]

    • This isn't gonna be a handout, we are only taking big brains. If you don't pay close attention and use your nogging...you not gonna make it.

  • September 11
    • I gave you all the hints to become an early citizen.
      Commend your ETH address share the new video. How else can we achieve democracy?

    • So interest on the NFT...thing.../whatever me and
      are releasing is sky high...
      Note : Unlike every other influencer our goal is community first AND for no one to lose money.
      AKA we arn't gonna cash grab.
      Mint will be free. Up only.
      Watch our twitters closely.

      That said, how we drop is going to be brutally confusing, weird and totally unfair to stupid people.
      Big brains who can solve puzzles, find waldo and role play will be able to get in. Non big brains will be left scratching their head while it sells out.

      NOTE : We are TRYING to make sure theres no gas war. We will be doing a very very very VERY odd dripped white list strategy.
      Like I said if you have a big brain, your gonna get in extremely cheap.
      If you dont have a big brain, I suggest you stock up on copium.

      Note this applies to the first few mints.
      There may be future mints where we charge or do not charge, but the value will already be super established (similar to BAYC with MAYC)
      However first mint will be free. <3

    • In response to zssbecker's initial tweet,

      What some may lack others behold.
      A phoenix must rise.

  • September 12
    • Future Citizens of the Citadel. You are under attack.
      The project has not launched yet and many want to scam you out of your hard earned ETH.
      The contract will be published. The mint will be free.
      Don't fall for the fakes. #retweet to protect our soil

    • Every nft you see dropping is just an endless shill fest.
      When me and @elliotrades drop this nft you won’t even know it.
      Big brain detectives will become citizens in a small exclusive world of immense value. Small brains locked outside buying the latest animal pfp cash grab.

      Hell it might already be live right now. Who knows.

      This tweet was followed by a reply tweet with an intentionally obscure screenshot from the background of the "Neo Tokyo" music video by Scandroid.[23]
    • This is literally the only time I wont speak in riddles.
      We are not/will not be doing a RANDOM first come first serve mint. Everything will be done via a very intentional white list and be FREE TO MINT
      If u buy random stuff on open sea and fall for anything its completely on u

      You will KNOW if you found the white list and are on the white list. We will share the mint url clearly with people that are via our twitters.
      But again...only white listers will be able to use the URL.
      Big brains will find how to get white listed.
      Have a good day citizen.

      2nd Warning : Everything is going to be cryptic, intentionally confusing and unpredictable.
      We will even try to deceive you and trick you.
      Nothing will be fair. Your choices are on you.
      We can only upload a few souls. Most will not make it.
      The Citadel is watching.

    • There will be no coin hints this week.
      I will be focusing on data stream that link our minds instead.
      Citizen alerts will be issued as we begin to plugin online.
      Interlinked. Interlinked. Interlinked. Codes.

    • Interrogator: codes.
      K: codes.
      Interrogator: Have you ever been in an institution? codes.
      K: codes.
      Interrogator: "Do they keep you in a cell? codes."
      K: "codes."
      Interrogator: "When you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? codes."
      K: "codes."

  • September 13:
    • To busy figuring out ways to flip digital horses and create a secret underground nft citadel to worry about the price of bitcoin.
      No time for boomer crypto, BBL

    • Fake Citadel NFTs are being sent to my wallet. Don't fall for it.
      The game and its rules will be made clear, the contract will be confirmed. Until then, remain dubious.
      Retweet for the good of all lands.

    • Last and final warning, fucks not I give after this.
      Me and @elliotrades mint will be WHITE LIST ONLY. On mint day the contract will be verified. If you buy something and are not on our verified whitelist you've been scammed.
      Your decision are on you.

      Granted I believe the above is a scammer passing fake history between wallets.
      That said.
      If you want to recklessly buy anything on Opensea, regardless of verification from us...
      You are going to get reckless non verified results.

      Idiots who cannot behave like adults are making me have to drop character and behave like a nanny taking care of children. Enough.
      This my last warning. I won't say this clear again and will be fully back in cryptic mode. There will be zero help given to people who wont listen.

      And finally, we are going to make this VERY difficult. This is not 10,000 high supply mint.
      We are aggressively catering to smart clever people.
      Not fomo in pump and dumpers. We are doing everything in our power to throw off flippers/cash grabbers.
      If it seems to easy, it is.

    • The Rules of Engagement

      Last out of character post.
      Here is an extremely clear guideline on how...citizenship...will work.
      Myself and Ellio are taking a few days pause on hints to lay out...things.
      Read this and when we post "game on" the games begin.

      We are not taking questions. There will be no other guidance other than this. Its up to you from here.
      You will NOT be asked to buy or mint anything until the LINKED TO whitelist mint day. We will NEVER CONTACT YOU.
      Context has been given. May the odds be in your favor citizen.

  • September 14
    • Crypto. Gaming.
      There’s no reason to care about anything else.
      The future of financial crypto is up in the air. Countries/illuminati rich will decide it.
      People will play games with underlying economies and own in digital assets. It’s a fact hard as stone.

      Not saying defi/financial crypto won’t happen. I’m saying the future can go in many unpredictable directions. The end result could be dramatically different than the market Vision today.
      Gaming is going in just one. Clear as day.

    • NFTs are just like a popular speak easy.
      If you have to spam comments, shil via influencers, cram it every where...
      Probs aint the speak easy you want to be at.
      Can you IMAGINE people in comment sections saying BUY ROLEX, SO RARE, NEXT BIG THING...
      This isnt how "cool" works

    • Attn : over the next week I will be working intensely with @elliotrades on...the greatest nft mystery of all time...
      Prob won’t have time to make vids.
      Though I’d your not subbed to my channel...big disadvantage.
      Share your wallet citizen and expect “game on” soon.

      The layers of mindfucks that are about happen on so many different levels of crypto....
      With an end result of something that will leave you dead and with life changing value
      You are not prepared for the Depth of the game about to be played.

Game On

2021 (Cont.)

September (Cont.)

  • September 14 (Cont.)
    • "The Citadel Knows Best" image is posted, again. This time it contains additional text and alterations to the original image.
    • The contents of messages from the citadel going forward will have extreme impact on citizens status after upload.
      Pay care.

  • September 15
    • In response to the "digital selves" tweet above, @dark90eth wrote: "Your physical body isn’t needed in the citadel," to which ZssBecker responded, "no citizen it is not."[43][44]
    • "Only non voters would ignore," EllioTrades replies to ZssBecker in a, seemingly, unrelated post about DeRace token prices.[45] EllioTrades, will refer to "voters" several times as an interchangeable term for for "citizens." "Votes" may have been the original name for what would become the $Bytes token.
  • September 16
    • Citizens would do best to ensure they have all their codes available for upload. Incomplete files will be unable to generate votes or assume digital form.

    • You/your avatar will walk between them like different rooms. Theres the vacation room. The club metaverse. The minecraft metaverse.
      The metaverses that share assets. Aka your a kong in one room and the same kong (maybe different design) in another will win the day.

    • In a promotional tweet for his YouTube video, EllioTrades alludes to a community of citizens:

      Citizens. This market is about to enter face melt mode.
      Share this information and comment APPROVED for the strength of the commons.[48]

      These references to citizens, votes, and voters are peppered throughout posts leading up to the Identity NFT mint. They hint at the creation of a new NFT-based community with a democratic structure but do not individually build on the lore or serve as actionable solutions to the riddles.


Upload Day

2021 (cont.)


  • December 5:
    • On this day the Citizen Contract went live and those that held all three Neo Tokyo NFTs (and optionally a Vault) could link them together to create a single NFT called a Citizen. After upload day citizens began to yield $BYTES. The amount if bytes was determined by the composition of individual NFTs that comprised an Uploaded Citizen.


The Meta Tournament


Bytes 2.0

Founder's Join


  1. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1431667704038035465
  2. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1431668149150265350
  3. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1434641787315015685
  4. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1434898540287959044
  5. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1434898956568469508
  6. https://ewhois.com/neotokyo.codes
  7. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1436118384182272005
  8. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1436121647795384321
  9. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1436058768039682051
  10. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1436059110869512195
  11. https://twitter.com/elliotrades/status/1436465756821016578
  12. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1436471297530269700
  13. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1436274319433273351
  14. https://twitter.com/elliotrades/status/1436818108937760768
  15. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1436648539128483844
  16. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1436649038611427331
  17. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1436650218477469697
  18. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1436656745280049153
  19. https://twitter.com/elliotrades/status/1436709688607870982
  20. https://twitter.com/elliotrades/status/1437226198346526723
  21. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437149619071422465
  22. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437149911359926285
  23. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437159681705889795
  24. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437189806598115330
  25. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437190430660177923
  26. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437191218098839554
  27. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437160233869139974
  28. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437075061069000707
  29. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437577433511866370
  30. https://twitter.com/elliotrades/status/1437491415295008768
  31. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437419029614972931
  32. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437419281101332483
  33. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437419886439960580
  34. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437424991566434305
  35. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437494327249362944
  36. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437494461345447939
  37. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437813963966799875
  38. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437814472542986246
  39. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437793819718717445
  40. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437848854712438785
  41. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437849870707142661
  42. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1437947167692501005
  43. https://twitter.com/dark90eth/status/1438082490061705217
  44. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1438084413951254530
  45. https://twitter.com/elliotrades/status/1438330678903382016
  46. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1438466542363103235
  47. https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1438546801653686279
  48. https://twitter.com/elliotrades/status/1438552282694492187