Neo Tokyo Part 3 Item Caches (NTITEM)

From Neo Tokyo Citizen Wiki
Revision as of 16:40, 7 April 2022 by SunnyP (talk | contribs)
Item cache
Item cache

What are item caches?

Item caches provide your identity with clothes and a helm.

Some item caches provide a vehicle and weapon.

Items provide rarity to your citizen.

Can be minted in the future for 500 Bytes.

Can be purchased on OpenSea.

Items are provided in this order and can be seen in the caches code:

  • Weapon (where appropriate).
  • Vehicle (where appropriate, are not shown in uploaded citizen).
  • Apparel.
  • Helm.

Items are visible on your citizen once uploaded.

OpenSea RarityMon



Abilities include: None, Dead Eye, Weapon Check, Locksmith, Dense, Shield, Hard Gut, Athele, Ghost Walk, and Revive


These appear to be the career class of the NT identities.