Neo Tokyo Identities (NEOTI)

From Neo Tokyo Citizen Wiki
Legendary Identity #2250

Identities were the first of a series of NFTs distributed, for free, to a white list of Ethereum wallets by Neo Tokyo Investing Limited.

In order to gain a spot on the white list, participants had to complete a series of tasks and solve riddles. There were initially only 2,018 Neo Tokyo Identities. Subsequently, Identities can be created by burning 2,000 $BYTES via the Citizen contract.

Identities are distinct from Citizens. Identities are one of three required NFTs to create a Neo Tokyo Citizen.

NEOTI is the first of three non-fungible tokens (NFT) needed to upload an identity to Neo Tokyo and become a citizen. The second necessary NFT for Upload Day is the Neo Tokyo Vault Card (NEOTV).

An Identity NFT alone does not grant access to the Citadel. Only an uploaded Citizen or Outer Citizen grants access to Neo Tokyo.



Abilities include: None, Dead Eye, Weapon Check, Locksmith, Dense, Shield, Hard Gut, Athele, Ghost Walk, and Revive


These appear to be the career class of the NT identities.

Class Rarity
Architect 0.94%
Assassin 0.99%
Assistant 6%
Bartender 6%
Builder 6%
Celebrity 1%
CEO 0.64%
Chat Support 7%
Chef 3%
Club Owner 7%
Club Promoter 3%
Cook 6%
Corporate 3%
Cyber Ninja 1%
Cyberstreet Trader 4%
Day One Bitcoin Investor 0.64%
Developer 3%
Driver 7%
Exectuive 1%
Grunt 6%
Market Whale 0.69%
Mercenary 3%
Nerd 2%
NFT Artist 1%
Officer 4%
Punk 3%
Samurai 3%
Scavenger 2%
Slayer 0.50%
Tech Runner 4%
Tech Weapon Dealer 1%
Worker 6%
Wraith 0.45%

Credit Yield

Credit yield is described as Low, Mid, or High.


Eye traits are either: Bloodshot, Focused, Paranoid, Sad, or Suspicious.


Either Male or Female.

Race Status

Aeon, Albino, Android, Ape, Demon, Ghost, Human, Mutant, or Phantom


Each identity has the following attributes with a value from 1-100: Attractiveness, Cool, Intelligence, Strength, and Tech Skill.


The credit amount contained in the ID's corresponding Neo Tokyo Part 2 Vault Card (NEOTV).


All Season 1 Neo Tokyo Identities have the First Citizen Status.

Contract Address

Secondary Marketplaces