Elite ranking

From Neo Tokyo Citizen Wiki
The top Citizens ranked by component scores on https://neotokyo.codes/trade

The 500 Citizens with the highest component scores (based on rarity) are Elite. Elite Citizens have access to elite-only Discord channels in the ./Citadel and their user names are colored orange-yellow to distinguish their rank.

No other benefits are known.

Component Score and Rarity

Each component (ID, Item Cache, Vault, or Land Deed) has a component score based on its rarity. A Citizen's rarity is based on the combined component score of the three or four NFT components that comprise the Citizen.

Citizen rarity and NFT component scores are listed under the score column on https://neotokyo.codes/trade

  • The highest Elite Citizen's component score is 4523.
  • As of March 30th, 2022, the 500th and lowest scoring Elite Citizen has a total component score of 687.
  • Uploading components with a combined score higher than the lowest scoring Elite Citizen will create an Elite Citizen.
  • Citizens will be disassembled, reassembled, and uploaded with different components to improve the resulting Citizen's component score as a way to become an Elite Citizen or maintain Elite status. Note: A Citizen loses its initial citizenship number when disassembling and a new one is reassigned when uploading.
  • Rankings are dynamic and the rarity score required to create an Elite Citizen will likely increase over time.

Note: the Rank and Rarity Scores on RarityMon (especially vault and item cache) do not correspond with the official "Citizen Component Scores“.

Calculating a Component Score
Component Component Score
Identity 892.78
Vault (optional) 132.50
Item Cache 984.86
Land 1250.00
Total Component Score 3260.14

Components with the Highest Scores

Using the following highly-scored component NFTs will help a Citizen earn an elite rank.


IDs are usually the highest points (ranging from 150-700) of the 4 parts, but the following almost guarantee elite:

Land Deeds

  • Omnipresent land (1200 points)
  • Penthouse land (460 points) (no longer mintable)


The highest scoring vaults are:

  • “?” multiplier vaults with or without items
  • General vaults with very rare items (300-400 points)

Item Caches

The highest scoring item caches are:

  • Unique items (600-1000 points)
  • Some non-unique item caches can give up to 600 points