Legacy Bytes

From Neo Tokyo Citizen Wiki
Contract connection
Creating a special message or changing gender from the contract
Item mint
Minting Item Cache from contract
Land mint
Minting Land from contract

Each Citizen produces $BYTES, an ERC-20 token. $BYTES are produced at a predictable rate based on how long the Citizen has been uploaded, its component Identity's credit yield value and, if it was uploaded with a Vault, the Vault modifier.

$BYTES are used to mint new Neo Tokyo Bought Identities (NEOTBI), Neo Tokyo Part 3 Item Caches (NTITEM), Neo Tokyo Part 4 Land Deeds (NTLD), change a Citizen's upload message, and (in the future) change the gender of a Citizen. $BYTES were also used in a one-time burn event to increase the rarity of stats for Outer Identities.

"Bytes" and "credits" are often used interchangeably.

$BYTE Yield


How is $BYTE yield calculated?

A Citizen's $BYTE yield is the sum of "creditYield" of the ID or Bought ID and the "creditMultiplier" of the (optional) Vault per day. $BYTE yield will increase by one $BYTE a day, if a Citizen is uploaded for one year.

If a Citizen is disassembled, it no longer accumulates $BYTES and the bonus increase disappears and the one-year counter resets.

ID credit yield
ID credit yield

Citizen Credit Yield (creditYield)

Credit Yield Rarity $BYTES/day
Low 73% 1
Mid 22% 3
High 3% 8

A Hand of the Citadel yields 15 $BYTES.

Vault Yield (creditMultiplier)

Vault Yield Rarity Yield (+) Modifier/day
Low 50.68% 1
Medium 24.76% 2
Medium High 10% 3
High 9.2% 4
Very High 4.44% 5
? 0.92% 7

Claim $BYTES

How Many $BYTES Has a Citizen Accumulated?

To see the amount of accumulated $BYTES a Citizen can claim, you can either:


Claim $BYTES from Contract

$BYTES must be claimed from the Citizen Contract.

To claim $BYTES:

  1. Connect a wallet with the required NFTs to the Citizen Contract via Etherscan.
  2. Select the Write Contract tab.
  3. Click Write beneath function 6. getReward
  4. Confirm the transaction via the connected wallet.

To maximize the BYTES claimed, the best practice is to claim them immediately after a BYTE was produced, at which point the start time for their production cycle is reset.

It is also a good practice to claim $BYTES when gas fees are low on the Ethereum network.

Claiming from contract via Etherscan
Claiming from contract via Etherscan

Using $BYTES

Burning $BYTES

How are $BYTES burned?

Through ether contracts (except new S1 ID) linked below.

  1. Connect the correct wallet through the Connect to Web3 button.
  2. Select the option of choice.
  3. Click Write

10 $BYTES burned to change your Citizen special message.

  • From this contract, option 3 (token ID is your citizen ID).

25 $BYTES burned to change Citizen gender. (Not currently available)

  • From this contract, option 2 (token ID is your citizen ID).

500 $BYTES burned to mint a new item cache.

500 $BYTES burned to mint a new land deed.

2000 $BYTES burned to mint a new S1 bought identity

Minting Neo Tokyo NFTs using $BYTES

$BYTES can be used to mint Neo Tokyo Citizen component NFTs.

For more information on minting with $BYTES, see the Minting Neo Tokyo NFTs using $BYTES article.

$BYTE Value on Cryptocurrency Exchanges


$BYTES Contract and Token

